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Bartek Tokarz
Written by Bartek Tokarz

Raw material editing

This article will teach you how to access the raw material editing tab and what you can change.

Want to edit raw material but need help figuring out where to start? Don't worry; I'll show you how to do it.

You can do it from two places:

1. Stock levels

2. Raw materials

How does it work?

Both are simple to handle. In both places, you will find a list of raw materials. Find the one you want to edit.

If you are in "Stock levels," click on the raw material that interests you. A window will pop up - you will find the "edit" tab.

If you are in "Raw materials," you have two ways out. Click the edit icon next to the raw material or do it as in "Stock levels."

Now, when you are in the "edit" tab, you can change many things. You can change the following:

  • raw material name,
  • unit,
  • whether the raw material should be displayed or not,
  • price,
  • VAT rate,
  • currency,
  • index,
  • additional designation,
  • default supplier,
  • default warehouse,
  • EAN code,
  • location,
  • description,
  • notes,
  • files,
  • images,
  • and even inventory thresholds (minimum delivery amount, optimal level in stock, critical level in stock).

#TIP - data such as VAT rates, currencies, and units can be added in regional settings.

When you finish editing, click "save." All changes will be updated in "Stock levels" and "Raw materials."

I hope this helped! If you have any questions, let us know! 😄

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Prodio is a user-friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
