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Bartek Tokarz
Written by Bartek Tokarz

Inventory transfers.

This article will teach you where inventory transfers are located and how to use them.

#TIP - inventory transfer is only available when multiple inventory is enabled. It can be found in the “General settings”➡️“Inventory” tab.

Where is the warehouse transfer located?

You can access inventory transfers in several ways:

1. From the main menu of the application.

You must go to the “Inventory” tab and then “Transfers.”

2. Add an inventory transfer from the inventory stock levels.

This is available from two places:

1. Action field next to raw material/product:

2. Transfers tab in a given raw material/product:

How does it work?

When creating an inventory transfer, you decide which raw material/product will be transferred from one inventory to another.

In the transfer window, it is required to enter the inventory from which the transfer is made and the inventory to which the transfer is to go, as well as to indicate which raw material/product and in what quantity will be transferred.

When adding a raw material/product to the transfer, information is displayed on how much of the raw material/product is in the warehouse from which it is being transferred.

The table itself can be filtered in the same way as most tables from the inventory. You can also switch to the list view to see even more details and have the option to export data to Excel.

After making the transfer, you can generate an inventory transfer document that you can use.

What are inventory transfers needed for?

They are useful when you accept raw materials from a supplier to the warehouse and want workers to be able to use these raw material. It must be transferred from the inventory where the raw material is currently located to the “On shop floor” inventory. This way, you avoid workers taking raw material from the inventory that is not physically there. The values in the negative would appear in the “On shop floor” inventory stocks.

The situation is similar with products. After workers complete the order, the finished product goes to the “On shop floor” inventory, and you can transfer it, for example, to the shipping inventory, from which you issue products to customers.

Additionally, if you want to organize everything in the inventory and separate different types of raw materials/products, inventory transfers will make this simple for you.

And that’s it! 🎉 Try it yourself, and you will see how warehouse transfers will make your life easier.

Do you have any questions? Let us know!

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Prodio is a user-friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
