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Magda Fic
Written by Magda Fic

How to configure a RFID reader?

You will learn how to configure an RFID reader and how to assign a key fob or card to workers.


RFID/NFC readers and key fobs/cards will allow you to register work on the tasks faster. It’s the most convenient and most frequently work registration option among our clients.


You will need an RFID reader and key fobs. Connect your reader to the computer - after connecting, it should be automatically ready to work. Then, on the left side, click Settings and then Workers.

After clicking Workers, you will see a table with workers who already exist in the system - if you want to assign a key fob to existing worker, click on the worker’s edition (pencil icon in the actions column)

After clicking on edit, the worker editing tab will appear on the right. Remove the numbers from the QR or RFID code field, leave the cursor in this field and then put they key fob on the reader connected to the computer - the field will be filled with numbers - then click save button.

Now, worker has an assigned key fob and can register work on the tasks as well as check in and check out to work faster.


What to do if a worker loses a key fob?

You will have to assign him a new one - so far, if you don’t have a key fob, he can register the work by the PIN code.

How much does a key fob reader cost and what parameters should it have?

The price ranges around 20$. We recommend readers that have a USB input and a frequency of 125kHZ - of course, higher frequencies are also supported by Prodio. If you want to test this solution - write to as - we will send you a package with a reader and key fobs

High five 🙋‍♀️ - team Prodio!

Prodio is a user friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
