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Caroline Rutkowska
Written by Caroline Rutkowska

Description of possible printouts in Prodio 🖨

Here you will find out what printouts our program offers and what each template includes :)

At Prodio, we have the ability to print:

barcodes for manufacturing orders and tasks (when you have a lot of tasks on the production schedule and you would like the barcode card for each operation to go through production along with your product - then employees scan the barcode at every stage and this opens the given manufacturing task on the device with the program running). The first bar code always applies to the entire manufacturing order, and subsequent manufacturing tasks :)

To be able to print such a manufacturing order together with the tasks, go to the Orders tab, then click the gear in Actions and click Print :)

pallet cards - here, instead of the name of the supercompany and the Prodio logo, your company name and logo may appear, thanks to which the prints will take on an even more professional and individual look :). Such barcode pallet cards allow us to facilitate the process and product tracking, and their next advantage is the lack of maintenance costs. The printing of pallet cards is done in real time and is a great service support.

Pallet cards are always possible to be printed after clicking on a given manufacturing task on the production schedule and then on the printer symbol:

♦ labels. - Each product currently put on sale must have a label. Therefore, manufacturers use them not only as a tool to provide the necessary information. In today's times of high competition, labels are a great solution that allows us to stand out from other products.

Labels are always possible to print after clicking on a given manufacturing task on the production schedule and then on the printer symbol:

❗️ At Prodio we have 3 different printout templates. They can be changed by going to Settings, then General Settings, and then clicking on the Prints tab.

The appearance of Custom Template 1 includes the following fields:

♦ ️ In the manufacturing order: Product, Quantity, barcode with the manufacturing order number, additional markings, external order number, client, packaging method, trader, comments to the manufacturing order

♦ ️ in manufacturing tasks: Barcode, machine / operation, when it should be ready and quantity. The appearance of the codes is alternating

♦ ️ on the pallet card: Logo, product name, barcode, quantity, dimension, additional marking, manufacturing order number, customer and a field for notes for handwritten notes

♦ ️ on the label: Product name, quantity, dimension, additional designation, manufacturing order number, customer and barcode

The appearance of Custom Template 2 includes the following fields:

♦ ️ in the manufacturing order: product, quantity, barcode, additional designation, ext. order number, raw materials, order notes

♦ ️ in manufacturing tasks: Machine / operation, when it should be ready, quantity, barcode, parameters and comments

♦ ️ on the pallet card: Logo, product name, barcode, quantity, dimension, additional marking, manufacturing order number, customer and a field for notes for handwritten notes

♦ ️ on the label: Product name, quantity, dimension, additional designation, manufacturing order number, client and barcode

If you have any further questions, let us know - we'll be happy to help :)!

High five 🙋‍♀️ - team Prodio!

Prodio is a user friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
