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Caroline Rutkowska
Written by Caroline Rutkowska

Adding photos of employees :)🤳

Now each employee can thumbnail their photos on the production plan and on all lists. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to find yourself on the production plan :)

To run this function, go to Settings, then Workers and click on the employee's pencil (edit): 

Then attach the employee's photo from the disk. 

After adding a photo, the thumbnails will be immediately visible in this tab and will change anywhere in the application and will also appear on the printout with QRcodes! 

Where will it be visible?

  • on the list when check in/ check out
  • on the list when registering work on a production tasks
  • on the production schedule - directly on the tiles 

High five 🙋‍♀️ - team Prodio!

Prodio is a user friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
