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Magda Fic
Written by Magda Fic

Adding files and images to your product

Here you will find out which file formats you can attach to your products and where they are exactly displayed in the program.


You can add photos and files to each product. Below you will find a list of the available formats:

  • photos  .jpg, .gif, .png, .jpeg 
  • files → .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .txt, .ptf, .srt, .prt, .tap, .dxf, .dwg, .pwf, .stp, .cdr, .ipt, .mpf, .step, .prt, _xt, .tap, .eps, .job, .nc, .s3d, .tcn.

For photos, the maximum file size is 2MB and the file size is 10MB.

You can add product visuals, technical drawings, and photos of product defects to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.


  1. Go to Products on the left
  2. Then for a new product click 'Add product', or for an existing one, click on edit (pencil icon) on the right , next to the specific product in a Products section.
  3. After that, click ‘Add product images’, or 'Add product files' the upper right corner.
  4. Then select which files or images you want to add.


Photos and files added to the product will be visible in the worker view, after clicking task on the production schedule.

Images can be seen straight on the tasks on the production schedule: see how to enable it here

Product photo miniatures will also be visible on the list of products and on the list of manufacturing tasks. 

#Good advice

If you want to add several files or photos at the same time, it's best to create one folder and put all the materials you need into it. After clicking the "Add files to the product" or "Add photos to the product" button, simply select these items while holding down the ctrl button on your keyboard.

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Prodio is a user friendly production planning software for small manufacturers.
